Is it a SHIP war already?

Ok now i feel bad... because i never thought of posting something in the forum would cause this childish war. actually, i never thought it will posted outside our forum. it's a discussion between us fans, nothing more, nothing less. that is why we have that forum in the first place.
it's a "haven" place for us fans. this is where we say doki-doki things to our fandom. now i felt that we cannot say anything anymore, that would accuse us of backstabbing, hypocrite, bad mouthing....other stuffs like that.
i don't remember bad-mouthing anyone. i just said it as an observation of what i see today. isn't it obvious they are visible to the public?
i felt that our forum had been raped. stripped naked. and violated over and over. lurkers only wants our videos. spies. then accuse us of many things.
yes, i check your site regularly because you discuss Yossy's appearances, and radio shows. and I can't understand Japanese that well. i also have that stat counter that can see ISP.
i have no ill intention of stabbing you on the back. it's a discussion, a freaking discussion! just like how you discuss in your site. why go that far? ugh... oh i get it....
... a YoMiki fan will never be a fan of another number after all ...
what? what is happening?? what War?? @__@ why i´m the only one that don´t know what is happening?
Arguing is stupid. We all have our own opinions~ It's like we all love different music, movies, sport.. and we all are fans of different ppl~
I don't see a reason for "ship war". lol. PEACE :3
@sakura, there is this blogger that really wants to fight between yomiki fans and this 1441 fans. hahahaha
@tutu, try telling that to you-know-who. ^^ i don't know what's the problem of the pairings. you-know-who kepts on telling that s/he have his/her opinions, but s/he cannot respect someone else.
*shrugs* it's pathetic really. *smirks*
1444* hehe
but yea, it's stupid to fight cause they're not real anyway. a fandom is a fandom, there's no point in arguing.
(I don't want t sound dumb, but...)What is 1441? ^^;
@ana, i agree with you. ^__^
I'm going to sit and imitate Master Sifu (of KungFu Panda)... "Inner Peace.... Inner Peace"
@kitseta, hahaha it's okey! it took me years to finally figure out what the hell 1441 means... it's ishi(1)yoshi(4)yoshi(4)ishi(1). Yomiki has no number.
it's all stupid i think...
we're yomiki fans and it's obvious that we well say our fantasies or whatever in OUR forum... that's all
i don't know was the intention of the person that emm quoted that comments from the forum... i can't get it...
but it's all right, i hope that we don't do the same with ishiyoshi forum or etc... we're ok ^^
ummm isn't it 1444 LOL
1(ichi)4(shi)4(yon)4(shi) and so it becomes ishiyoshi DUDUM! XDD
it's 1444, actually, not 1441.
really? 1444. i never call them that. always ishiyoshi or rika x yossy.
Yep it's 1444 XD and Yomiki does have a number. 2344 *dances*
and you know what!?!??!
(I'm just poking fun at the situation, *hides* )
LOL I use 1444 cuz it's quicker. XD
me = lazy
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