Saturday, September 30, 2006

keeping warm....

first, we had a super thypoon named Milenyo last thursday morning and caused major blackout throughout the metro! so no yomiki goodness for the span of two days!!!! ;__;

here's a pic of the storm....
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pictures 1,2, and 3 that was during the storm. strong wind of 130 km per hour! >_<
yes, it is so cold..... trees falling down. major floods. landslide up northpart of the country. electric posts falling down. tin roofs of shanties flying. and billboards (giant) falling down on buses and cars passing by.
picture 4, 5, and 6. that was after the storm. what a mess!!!! cleaning it the next day is such a chore.

ok, out of sheer boredom at home. i managed to draw. XD i managed to scan it and color it once the electricity was back on. =^^= hope you guys like it....

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Monday, September 18, 2006


hehehe another one before i go to the province. =^^=
i'll be back on the weekend. hopefully with an update.

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Sunday, September 17, 2006


ei, another one. i post it in YoMiki forum too.

this idea was baed on a joke in another forum, with makoto graduated from MM. yossie has one "gf" short. so, instead of happy 8 audition, they say its an audition for yossie's harem. with that, i couldn't resist of drawing yossie flirting with a girl who is auditioning for MM. but i added a YoMiki twist. i hope you like it. hehehe

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

hentai thoughts

i saw a screen cap of previous hello moni episode, and loved miki's expression on it. ^^ so, hence, i drew this one. =^^=



Saturday, September 09, 2006

Carry me....

hehehe, another artwork done. ^^

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the first fic...

the very first fic i've ever read about Yossie x Miki was cchen's Misunderstanding. and i enjoyed it very much. so, this drawing is inspired to that fic. ^^

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